Family Fitness Tips for All Ages - IV Revival

Family Fitness Tips for All Ages

Parents, are you struggling to get your kids, teens, or even your grown children active when they visit you? Never fear, we at IV Revival have some great trips for you! These family fitness activities are fun for all ages.

Family Fitness for All Ages

No matter how old you or your kids are, these tips are great to help keep you and them healthy.

First and foremost, stay hydrated! Water has a significant impact on your energy levels, brain function, and general health. If you have kids that refuse to drink water, we have some ways to make it a little more fun for them. These probably won’t work on picky teens though. You can try:

  • Using a silly straw

  • Freezing water into fun shapes and add it to their drinks

  • Incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet (they’re naturally filled with water!)

  • Flavor water with pieces of fruit or a splash of juice

  • Water-based lemonade

If you’re not grossed out by toilet talk, then you can teach your kids about hydration using the color of their urine. If they have darker urine — like the color of apple juice — then they know they need to drink more water. This teaches self-sufficiency and lets your kid see the importance of staying hydrated!

Encourage Everyone to Eat a Well-Balanced Diet

A good diet is another staple to family fitness routines. You can’t stay healthy, and you won’t want to move around much if your diet is poor. Incorporate fruits and veggies into every meal (you can even hide them in pasta — such as veggie noodles — so your kids don’t know they’re eating it)!

Keep snacking to a minimum too. Stock your fridge with healthier snacks. Instead of cookies, opt for trail mix or granola bars. Instead of cheese whiz, try crackers and fresh cut cheese instead. Making little switches like that — ones that still taste the same as the first option — is a great way to wean kids off of sugary treats.

Family Fitness Activities for Children

Kids are usually pretty excited to get active, depending on the activity. You may have to coax them outside with a reward or get them moving with videogames, but as long as you’re creative, you’ll be fine.

Never underestimate the importance of listening to what they want to do, too! Some kids want to be active, but their lack of experience is stopping them. Encourage them to pick up new things. Take them for a walk outside or around town, teach them to ride a bike, skate, or skateboard, go to the zoo or aquarium, or just chase them around the house in a game of tag.

Kids should move for at least one hour each day in an activity that increases their heart rate. While your family is limited in the places you can go to exercise, there are a variety of activities your family can do together at home, like a virtual fitness class or an impromptu family dance competition.

Activities for Teens

Teens are some of the hardest to get moving and for good reasons. Teenagers are in a constant state of change — they’re working at school, working outside of school, navigating social landscapes, growing up, and trying to figure out who they are. It’s exhausting! Sometimes, the best family fitness routine you can do with your teen is just letting them rest.

When they’re not drop-dead tired, try to get them active for at least an hour every day. You can encourage them to go on a walk to get their aerobic exercises in, join a sport or recreational activity outside of school, or just drop them off at the mall so they can incorporate fun and walking together.

Family fitness activities for teens include:

  • Walking/running

  • Biking

  • Hiking

  • Swimming

  • Climbing

  • Sports (family football, catch, or basketball in the driveway)

  • Yoga

Just like with kids, you should listen to what your teen wants to do and encourage any new (or old) hobbies. If they love playing football or running, carve out time in their day for it. Teens are going through a lot of stress and if those activities help relieve that stress, then don’t try to take it away from them or supplement them with different forms of exercise. Let them do what they like and they’ll be happier for it.

Family Fitness with Adults

If your kids are all grown up, then you can still go out and be active and encourage healthy habits with them when they’re visiting. A popular mother-daughter activity is getting a vitamin-packed IV treatment. As a mother, you’ll be happy that your daughter is getting the vitamins and hydration she needs, and you’ll be able to spend the whole time catching up with each other.

At IV Revival, you can do all of that from the comfort of your home. We highly recommend treatments before a long day of activities, before drinking and partying, or before spending the day in the sun with each other. They’re amazingly hydrating and will help keep you healthy and protected! Give us a call today to schedule your appointment.

Beyond an IV treatment, going on a walk or going to the beach with your grown children are wonderful ways to enjoy the day while staying fit. Keep it chill and keep the focus on family time and you’ll both be happy!

Ready to feel your best?

Contact us today to learn how IV Revival can help.
