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What Does an IV Do?

An IV, which is short for intravenous – is pretty straightforward. It delivers hydration, nutrients, and medication directly into your bloodstream for faster relief. In today’s blog, we’re going to answer the question “what does an IV do?” as well as go through all of the reasons why you may need one! 

What is an IV Infusion?

Before we jump right in, you’ve probably heard the term “IV infusion” before as well. An IV infusion is a typical IV setup. It uses gravity (or sometimes a pump) to deliver fluids into your body. 

It’s usually a bag full of the fluids that hangs above your head. A tube runs from the bottom of the bag and is connected to your arm via a needle. You can watch the fluids drip into the tube and get delivered to your body, which is why infusions are also commonly called IV drips. 

IV infusions deliver the medication directly into the bloodstream, leading to rapid absorption and more noticeable immediate effects. 

Why Would You Need An IV? 

Most people don’t need IVs, especially if they follow a good diet and exercise. However, IVs aren’t just for people in the hospital as well. You may need an IV for…


Our bodies are mostly made up of water. When you don’t have enough water in your body, that’s called dehydration. Since an IV delivers fluid directly into the bloodstream, it is the most efficient way to rehydrate you.

At IV Revival, we don’t just see bachelor and bachelorette parties. IV therapy is common for those with acute illness, hikers, athletes, and those seeking ongoing wellness.

Dehydration may occur when you:

  • Are vomiting or experiencing severe diarrhea
  • Exercise too much or spend too much time in the heat without drinking enough
  • Have a serious injury or burns
  • Have surgery

Dietary Conditions & Restrictions

People who have Crohn’s, IBS, ulcerative colitis, or who have dietary restrictions caused by vegetarianism, veganism, or religion, may need IVs to help supplement their diet. 

For example, Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation of your digestive tract. It restricts you from eating certain foods, as they can cause severe flare ups and pain. An IV can directly deliver anti-inflammatories and B vitamins to help calm your digestive tract. 

Those Who Have Migraines

Magnesium in IVs is often used to treat migraines. Magnesium chloride and magnesium oxide are both used to treat migraines! Scientists believe that magnesium oxide blocks signals in your brain that lead to migraines with an aura, or changes in vision and other senses. Research also suggests that magnesium stops certain chemicals that cause pain.

Magnesium chloride is an electrolyte that helps rehydrate your body and acts as an anti-inflammatory to reduce swelling and shrinkage in your brain, all of which are common causes of headaches. 

Those with Infections

Some people may be unable to take oral antibiotics to treat infections. In these cases, IVs are used to deliver the antibiotics directly into their bloodstream. 


IV chemotherapy is the most common form of chemotherapy given today. It sends the medication directly into the bloodstream through a vein in the arm, hand, or chest in order to kill cancer cells throughout the body.

Chronic Conditions

IVs are proven to be effective at managing chronic conditions and some autoimmune diseases, such as : 

How to Choose Between IV Hydration and Drinking Water

While drinking water or sports drinks can definitely hydrate you, they may not provide the quick relief your body needs if you’re severely dehydrated, hung over, or ill. 

If you’re not sure whether or not you need an IV or if drinking water will suffice, check your symptoms. If you have a mild headache or dull aches or feel slightly hungover, you may be able to treat your symptoms effectively with water. On the other hand, if your head is throbbing or you’re extremely dizzy, fatigued, and ill, then you may want to call IV Revival. Our nurses come directly to your home, so you don’t have to worry about driving or finding a ride. Schedule your appointment online or by calling (480) 848-1678.

Also, consider your needs and your priorities. Ask yourself if you want instant relief, or if your symptoms are only a mild inconvenience. Sometimes, the best medicine is curling up under a blanket with a tall glass of ice water, a bowl of soup, and putting on your favorite show or movie. If that’s the case, then give your body the rest it needs. We hope you feel better! 

Ready to feel your best?

Contact us today to learn how IV Revival can help.
